داستان آبیدیک

sharing economy


1 اقتصاد:: اقتصاد اشتراکی

While the cooperative model has a long track record over several decades, very recently, the concept of platform cooperatives emerged to enable a different type of sharing, powered by a platform, with cooperative ownership structures offering an alternative to the mainstream, venture- capital-backed platform capitalist models of the sharing economy. While this has been labeled as the sharing economy, many sharing enterprises have been accused of exploitative behavior and damaging, rather than improving communities. This has given the sharing economy and its entrepreneurs a bad name. Before diving into the specifics of different business models and platform cooperatives, it may be useful to put the sharing economy in a broader context. A couple of my colleagues, Duncan McClaren and Julian Agyeman, published a great book Sharing Cities in 2016 not only to frame the sharing economy as a primarily urban phenomenon but also to clarify the range of sharing activities that have occurred in society throughout time.

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2 علوم اجتماعی و جامعه شناسی:: اقتصاد تسهیمی

واژگان شبکه مترجمین ایران

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